Tuesday 24 February 2015

Week 2

25/02/2015 Returning to Northtec this semester has been a real eye opener in that this IS the real deal. This is the last certificate level before a diploma or degree. Knuckling down and staying on top of the workload is key to successful study.

Planning and structuring my life around study comes quite easy when you have an awesome mother like mine. Also, staying on top of the workload everyday and keeping everything up-to-date helps me tremendously.  I feel that my time management and organization skills are really good in that I give enough time for each of my priorities everyday although it mightn't seem like it when I've written them down.

Today I completed Kolb's Learning Inventory and came out as a Converger. I totally agree with this as I always need to be doing something or else I tend to trail off into dreamland. I work better independently but at times, I do tend to ask others for their opinions and do like their input but that is just something that I need to learn which is to work more as a team.

Everyday I come to course with an aim to achieve the best that I can and I'm not going to let anyone or anything get in the way of it.